Tag Archives: central banking

What is Greenwashing?

Introduction There is a fair degree of consensus that in order to prevent the worst climate damages, global net emissions of carbon dioxide need to fall by about 45 per cent from 2010 levels by 2030, reaching net zero around 2050. To curb the adverse effects of global warming, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change […]

Future Proofing Central Banks through Leadership Practices

Future-ready central banks In the words of Christine Lagarde, ‘central banks must provide for stability in an age that is anything but stable’. Central bank leaders throughout the world are increasingly acknowledging that we are now living in the age of disruption and that one of our key priority areas must be ensuring our future […]

To Bail-In or not To Bail-In: A Question for Asian Financial Policymakers

The Great Financial Crisis (GFC), which began in 2007 and whose effects persisted for a decade, spurred a cavalcade of major worldwide regulatory, supervisory, and resolution reforms for the banking sector and the broader financial sector.  In particular, the massive costs incurred by resolution and deposit insurance authorities (and ultimately, taxpayers) to clean up failed […]

Programmable Money and CBDC

In 2020, one of the interesting topics being discussed in parallel to central bank digital currency (CBDC) is programmable money (PM). Like CBDC, programmable money does not appear to have a clear definition. In this post we will discuss our understanding of programmable money, its potential usefulness and possible obstacles to future use. What is […]